Friday, January 1, 2016

It's A New Year!

Wow! It's 2016!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?
I for one hope that this year is filled with amazing things! I want to let God use me to shine His lights in so many ways!
I don't know what this future holds, but I do know that I want to be a better person for Jesus, my family, my friends, and to the world!
Lately I've had great opportunity's to do many great things for God! 
My sisters and I started a e-magazine. I wrote 4 books, 2 of which were just re-writes. My 4th one was about my Savior delivering me from fear and an addiction. I was able to finally share it with people and hopefully it blessed someone! My sisters and I used the talent we had to make inspiring videos and took a step where we could share them with the world! I was able to learn about human trafficking, and step out and make a small effort, but big in my Saviors eyes, and fight against this awful trade.
Yes, these are small. But as I stated before they are big in God's eyes! 
And this next year I want to do above and beyond myself!!!! I want to do WOW things for God!
When it started getting on to the New Year, I questioned myself, wondering what resolutions I should make. I really wanted to make some this year and I just didn't know what exactly... 
The other day I was listening to Britt Nicole through headphones ( lol) while I was cleaning. The song I was listening to was "Sunshine Girl". Somewhere during the song it was like God told me that I was suppose to be a Sunshine Girl!
I just paused for a minute, and after I felt I heard God tell me this... Isn't it amazing the ways God can speak to you??!!
 In that moment I felt that I was supposed the start a blog, just a ministry blog, ministering to people! I want to call the blog, Sunshine Girl/Gal! 
I will be starting this blog here soon, hopefully within the upcoming week!!!! 
My New Years Resolution is to BE a SUNSHINE GIRL/GAL!!!!!!!!!!! I want to spread God's love and sunshine everywhere! I've destine to be a Sunshine Girl starting at home, as well! I think it's great practice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I hope I can bless many people's lives while shinning God's light!!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

God Bless!!!!!!!!!!



I think this song really urges us to take a step out and do something! And the music video is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's by Group1Crew!!! My fav, as you all know!!!!!!!! Luv ya, Manny!!!!!! Happy New Year to ya and all my other crazy bands/singers/rappers!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!



  1. Awesome article, Beth! You are a powerful writer! Can't wait to see the new blog! It'll be such a great witness! Love ya Sunshine Girl!

  2. Thanks! Hopefully I can start it soon! I've got to do a photo shoot and make a video!!!!!!!!! Did u watch the video?????!!!!! Luv ya too!

  3. Never hesitate to do what God wants you to do, Beth! Can hardly wait to see your new blog!!!!! And that music video of G1C is one of the best!!! Gr8! Awesome! Neat-o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Chloe! And YES the video ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Hey, its MANNY!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I can't wait to see your new blog, Beth and read it!!! I'm sure it's going to be great!!

    1. I hope it will be!
      Did u watch the video?????

    2. Yeah, its great! Thanks for sharing it!!

    3. I was glad to share it!!! Hey, its G1G!!!!!! It sure is a great song!!! I'm glad u liked it!!!!!!!!

    4. I was glad to share it!!! Hey, its G1G!!!!!! It sure is a great song!!! I'm glad u liked it!!!!!!!!

  5. Lol the end is the main music for G.I.E.L.'s song called "My Hope":)--Serengheti

  6. Cannot wait to see your new blog!!!! Happy New Year!
    Grace F.

    1. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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