Sunday, November 29, 2015

Catching Fire Productions

As you know, Chloe and I make music videos for YouTube! I'm proud to announce we now call ourselves, Catching Fire Productions!
We filmed our 2nd YouTube video today and hope to upload it to YouTube very soon!
So, make sure  and look up our channel, Beth Hale, and watch the previous music video we made and check our channel out in a couple of days for our new video!
You won't want to miss it! 



  1. Awesome! Your 1st video was great and I'm sure the next one will rock too! Really cool name too! :)

    1. Thanks Livy!!!!!!!!!! I think you'll like it! It should get you dancing, lol!

  2. Can't wait, Beth!!!!!!!

  3. Is it Freq DAT by G1C?! Love Serengeti

  4. PS the name sounds like the 2nd HG book;-)


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