Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Beginning Of Forever...

1 year ago today, I commented to my Jesus that I was going to fulfill His call for my life!
God had called me sing, July 19th 2014, I had kept His calling a secret. I was always shy. Frightened. Even to get a up and read a scripture in church. Singing wasn't something I was going to tell my family I was called to do. But in all truth I wasn't obeying God by not singing. He called me, even when I was scared.
Part of my breakthrough happen when the preacher of Thursday night Pre-Youth Conference at CFC church in Independence, Ky. called people to the altar who weren't going to ignore God's call anymore. I had to go. I tired to get my sister to go with me, but she felt no need. She didn't know my need. I shakily went myself. Commenting to God that I was going do things for Him.
The next night I was able to tell my sister I was called to sing. I started doing drama stuff, still not bold enough to do singing. But oh HOW I wanted to. Earlier last year I was able to tell my parents about my call and thus I began to sing and I enjoy it VERY much!!! God's call is AWESOME!!!!!!!
So, I encourage you tonight, that if you're a little scared to do what God has called you, just DO it! Surrender it to God! To start singing I had to JUST DO it!! And now I find I'm not near as shy as I used to be. God is with me and He's with you!
Fulfill His plan, your dreams, for your life!


With God's Eternal Love!!!




  1. This is awesome, Beth!!! Thanks so much for sharing! And thank you for sharing your beautiful singing talent with the world too! You have such a beautiful voice singing for Jesus! Keep it up!! Love ya!
    What do you think about me mentioning your youtube channel in my magazine?

    1. Thanks so much, Bella!!!!!!!! That would be GREAT about you mentioning my our channel in your mag!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!! Love Ya!!!

      GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!1


  2. Wonderful post, Beth! Most of my friends already know about your channel, but I'll tell the rest too! Great song you sang! With a little practice you could be rocking the world!! Seek the calling God has given you, you'll never regret it!

    1. I agree with Livy!! Great job!! -Serengheti:)

    2. Thanks Livy and Serengheti!!!!

      GOD BLESS!!!


  3. Thank you for sharing the story behind your passion for singing, Beth! May God continue to grow and bless you as you follow His leading in this area!
    -Grace F.

  4. you have an amazing gift for singing that God has given you!! Keep it up!! And, uh, oh, sorry that i, uh, didn't go up to the altar with you that night...hahaha
    God Bless!!!!!!!
    Clo, Is. 53:5, #UNASHAMED,

    1. THANKS!!!!!!
      Haha! I guess I forgive under the circumstances, LOL!!!

      GOD BLESS!!!!!


  5. Great post and video, Beth! Keep following your dreams! <3

    1. Thanks!!! Follow ur/Gods plan, whatever it may be, too!!!!!

      God BLESS!!!!!!!


  6. Keep up the good work, Beth! -Grace Helland

  7. WOW so beautiful... the testimony.... your voice. You are beautiful inside and out.


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